Saturday, March 13, 2010

Finally, one of my Grail dolls!

I finally got my hands on a Limwha Half-Elf!!! This dress I made for her is a shirred lace overlay top on a brown silk charmeuse corset.

This corset over a form fitting skirt is silk dupioni with ruffled pleated organza and and-sewn Swarovski crystals and glass beads

Next up...I wanted another male doll, out of the hundreds...whatever! Here's another Limwha Limho Mano.

Bettie and the real Bettie!!

Wow, neato!

Channeling Bettie Page

Ok, Time for another girl! This time it's a Domuya Fin on a Supia body, whom I made into Bettie Page!

The twins picking on 'Little Guy'

Little guy managed to anger the twins by doing the worst possible thing....he mussed up their pride and joy, their long silky locks!

Next...hmm, time for another male doll...Well, ok, out of hundreds to choose from...yes, another Limwha Limho Mano. Crazy me!!!

Now here is the same B&G Aurora after I redid her face:

I also made her cute dancer dress!

Next I figured I could stand to get another doll...this time a B&G Aurora who was in desperate need of a new faceup. Here is how she looked when I got her:

Another view:

Here is 'Claudette' in a Silk Habotai Victorian wedding dress with flowers made of Mulberry bark that I made.

Well, I figured it was time for a female BJD and I choose a Luts Delf Lishe. Her face was fun to paint!

Next up, Cruz needs a twin

Crazy me, my BJD obsession with my first doll 'Cruz' prompted me to get another doll. With hundreds to choose from, which doll did I choose...Another Limwha Tan Limho Mano! A twin to Cruz, named Sully!!

On to BJD dolls. I do their face-ups (painting, aesthetics, wiring, sue ding, restringing, body blushes) and sew their clothes. First up is the doll that started my love for BJD's. A Limwha Tan Limho Mano, created in Korea. He is made of resin and stands 67cm. tall. His name is Cruz. P>S> Don't bother asking the price. Sticker shock!